Husband and Wife Lungs

Husband and Wife Lungs

by Xiaoyuan Review

4.9 (1)







Xiaoyuan Review
Husband and wife's lung slices (is a famous dish in Chengdu, Sichuan, it is delicately made, beautiful in color, tender and delicious, spicy and fragrant, very tasty.
If you like Sichuan cuisine, Huo Huo Lian is definitely a famous dish you can't forget. Do you want to eat the vegan Huo Lung Tablet? Take some time, let's do it together!

Creative index Bashu couple


Husband and Wife Lungs

1. Celery 20g, 1 phoenix mushroom, 2 eryngii mushrooms, 2 sheets, 5g sugar, 7g red oil, 7g pepper oil, 15g light soy sauce, 3g white sesame

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

2. After washing the phoenix mushrooms with water, cut off the roots

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

3. After dressing up as a block, slice it for later use

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

4. Wash the eryngii mushrooms, cut into slices vertically, and tear them into strips by hand

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

5. Celery finely chopped

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

6. Thousand sheets cut into sections for spare

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

7. Boil the phoenix mushrooms in boiling water for 30 seconds to remove

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

8. Thousand sheets of boiling water blanch for 60 seconds to remove

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

9. Boil the oil until 70% hot, pour in the eryngii mushrooms, fry until golden and remove

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

10. Put the ingredients in a bowl and sprinkle 15 minced celery

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

11. Pour in 5g sugar, 15g light soy sauce, 7g red oil, 7g pepper oil, 3g white sesame seeds, mix well

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe

12. After putting it on the plate, sprinkle with a little celery to garnish

Husband and Wife Lungs recipe


1. When cutting phoenix mushrooms, use a sliced knife method, the thinner the better
2. The fried peanuts can also be mixed with Titian


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