Japanese Warabi Mochi

Japanese Warabi Mochi

by Lu Bao's Little Chef

4.8 (1)







The sauteed soybean flour is softly covered with transparent cakes, which is smooth and soft, and is accompanied by burnt black molasses. The intensity is suitable, like the ancient Kyoto, it is time to wait.
Picture BY: Taiwan Haochi Magazine Cookware BY: Lu Bao Pottery"

Japanese Warabi Mochi

1. Soybean flour is poured into a clean ceramic pot, sautéed over a low fire until fragrant, and the pot is poured on a plate to cool for later use. Pour the matcha powder onto another plate and set aside.

2. Japanese warabi mochi powder and fine sugar are mixed evenly, pour in water, mix well to avoid lumps, pour into a ceramic pot, heat on low heat and keep stirring until the powder becomes thick and transparent, and turn off the heat.

3. Divide the warabi mochi into two portions, place one portion on top of soy flour and sprinkle the surface with soy flour; place the other portion on top of matcha powder and sprinkle the surface with matcha powder.

4. Let the warabi cake cool thoroughly, cut into pieces, serve it on a plate, and drizzle with an appropriate amount of black molasses.


1. Step 2 When mixing the bracken cake powder, cook until the powder is pasted and transparent, and then ready to remove from the fire, otherwise the bracken cake will taste too hard.
2. The pottery pot is often used for stewing and cooking, and the special convex point design of the lid of the second-generation Yangfeng pot allows the water vapor to adhere through the convex point to avoid water loss. In addition, it can also be directly made of pottery. Stir-fried pot noodles for a wide range of uses~


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