Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls

by seiseizhang

4.7 (1)








Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls

1. Prepare the ingredients.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

2. After the water is boiled, add the taro balls and cook for 4 minutes.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

3. Rinse the boiled taro balls with cold water + ice cubes until refreshing and not sticky.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

4. In addition, after boiling the water in a small pot, add brown sugar according to your taste.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

5. Add lily again.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

6. After the lily, add wolfberry, turn off the heat when it becomes soft.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

7. Put the cold taro balls in a bowl, and then pour in the cooked brown sugar water.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe

8. Finally, sprinkle in dried osmanthus.

Jin Gui Brown Sugar Taro Balls recipe


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