Jujube and Fig Mooncakes

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes

by Jiu Jiayi

4.9 (1)







Material: (The original party comes from Junzhi)

Cake crust: 100 grams of all-purpose flour, 5 grams of milk powder, 75 grams of inverted syrup, 1 gram of soap, 25 grams of cold-pressed peanut oil

Jujube puree: 500 grams of red dates, 200 grams of sugar, 160 grams of cold-pressed peanut oil, 80 grams of cake powder (cooked glutinous rice flour), appropriate amount of spring water

Epidermal brush egg liquid: 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon, and mix thoroughly.

Yield: 50 grams 13"

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes

1. Wash 500 grams of red dates

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

2. Put it in the steamer after removing the core with a knife

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

3. Bring to a boil and steam for 15 minutes

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

4. Put the steamed jujube into the food processor, put a little spring water, and grind it into a slurry

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

5. Filter the jujube slurry with a sieve (to remove the jujube skin), put the filtered jujube slurry into a non-stick pan, add sugar, and boil on low heat

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

6. Add the oil three times and gradually boil it until it becomes a bit sticky

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

7. Add the cake flour and stir fry evenly

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

8. Stir-fry until you can knead it into a sticky ball, put it in a bowl and let cool

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

9. Washed figs and raisins

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

10. Spread the jujube puree, spread the raisins and roll it up

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

11. Take 30 grams of jujube mud and spread it flat, add figs (each weighing 5-7 grams)

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

12. Tighten the reunion, follow the 11 steps in turn to wrap the jujube paste filling

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

13. 75 grams of invert syrup, 1 gram of soap, 25 grams of cold-pressed peanut oil, put in a basin and mix thoroughly

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

14. Sift in 100 grams of all-purpose flour and 5 grams of milk powder, knead into a dough, let stand for 2 hours

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

15. Divide the proofed dough into small doses each weighing 15 grams, and reunite

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

16. Flatten the dough into the jujube paste filling

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

17. Use your left and right hands to keep turning the dough

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

18. Turn around gradually, so that the dough is evenly wrapped on the filling

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

19. Sealed reunion

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

20. Put it into the mold and press out the moon cake

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

21. Preheat the oven up and down to 200 degrees, spray water on the mooncakes, bake them in the middle of the oven for 5 minutes, and wait until the skin pattern is fixed

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

22. After 5 minutes, after the surface pattern is fixed, brush a small amount of thin egg liquid on the surface of the mooncake

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

23. Put it in the oven and bake for 15 minutes until the surface is golden and ready to go out

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe

24. After allowing to cool down, keep in a sealed container and wait for 3 days to return to the oil smoothly.

Jujube and Fig Mooncakes recipe


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