Kelp Salad

Kelp Salad

by Leaf's Little Chef

4.7 (1)







Kelp is a food recommended in nutrition to eat once or twice a week, because kelp is a very high iodine food and also contains many other nutrients. Eating kelp once or twice a week is good for normal people’s health. . Cold kelp shreds is a favorite food on the summer table. The key to the cold dishes is to make the cold sauce. The cold sauce in our house is very simple to make, because I usually make spicy red oil and use it when mixing it. The mixing method is simple and quick to make, and it is very delicious. You can make it without the spicy red oil. Pour the hot oil into the chili powder and pepper powder to make the simple spicy oil. Today's cold kelp shreds are added with carrot shreds, so that the combination is not only more beautiful in color, but also more comprehensive in nutrition. A person needs to eat as many kinds of ingredients as possible every day, so it is necessary to mix and match in the usual dishes. Let's take a look at today's sharing of this cold kelp shreds...


Kelp Salad

1. Prepare the raw materials and soak the seaweed in advance.

Kelp Salad recipe

2. Cut the kelp into shreds.

Kelp Salad recipe

3. Add an appropriate amount of water and a little rice vinegar to the pot.

Kelp Salad recipe

4. Add shredded kelp and cook.

Kelp Salad recipe

5. Carrots are shredded with a grater.

Kelp Salad recipe

6. Cut the ginger and garlic into finely pieces, cut the shallots into sections, and break each section into two pieces.

Kelp Salad recipe

7. Put the boiled seaweed shreds into cool boiled water.

Kelp Salad recipe

8. Heat the pot, add appropriate amount of homemade spicy red oil and sesame oil and cook until 80% hot, add ginger and garlic and saute, add appropriate amount of light soy sauce and rice vinegar.

Kelp Salad recipe

9. Put the kelp shreds, carrot shreds, and shallots on a plate, pour in the sauce, salt, and mix well.

Kelp Salad recipe


The method of spicy red oil is in my blog. If not, you can burn the oil until it smokes slightly and add it to the chili powder and pepper powder in batches to become a simple spicy oil. Public number: yezidexiaochu


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