Kid's Lunch-colorful Fried Rice

Kid's Lunch-colorful Fried Rice

by funhappy77

4.7 (1)








Kid's Lunch-colorful Fried Rice

1. Wash carrots and cucumbers and dice them. Soak the mushrooms in warm water, wash and dice them; wash and dice Jiwei prawns with rice wine and starch; mix well with rice wine and starch; dice the square ham; beat the eggs with a small amount of salt.

Kid's Lunch-colorful Fried Rice recipe

2. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot and fry the eggs and the prawns separately, set aside;

3. Put oil in the pan. First, fry the diced carrots and mushrooms, then stir-fry the cucumbers and square ham in the pan; stir-fry until the cucumbers are slightly dry, then add the rice and stir-fry. Fry for about 3 minutes. Continue to stir fry; season with salt before boiling.

Kid's Lunch-colorful Fried Rice recipe


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