Lettuce Mixed Fungus

Lettuce Mixed Fungus

by Fable 7656

4.7 (1)







Lettuce has high nutritional value and is rich in calcium, fat and folic acid. Children often eat lettuce, which is very helpful for tooth growth and tooth replacement. The white slurry in the tender stems of lettuce has a hypnotic effect.
It has always been believed that cold salad is the best way to eat lettuce. It has a light fragrance, crisp taste, refreshing and pleasant. What are you waiting for? It's served-lettuce mixed with fungus.


Lettuce Mixed Fungus

1. Main ingredients: Soaked fungus, lettuce, chopped pepper, garlic

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

2. Finely chop garlic into minced pieces.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

3. Put the chopped garlic and chopped peppers into a bowl together, add 2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar, 2 teaspoons of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little MSG, and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and mix thoroughly to form a sauce.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

4. The lettuce with the old skin peeled off is cut into sections and scraped into large thin slices with a peeler.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

5. Pickle the thinly sliced lettuce in a little salt for a few minutes

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

6. Rinse the pickled lettuce with a cool boil to remove the saltiness and drain the water.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

7. The soaked fungus is broken into small flowers, blanched in boiling water, and taken out to cool.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

8. Put the blanched fungus and lettuce together in a container, and pour the prepared juice directly on the lettuce fungus.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe

9. Mix well when eating.

Lettuce Mixed Fungus recipe


Because lettuce is served cold, the scraping tools must be clean and hygienic


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