Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits

by Rice grain 92

4.9 (1)







I don’t know whether to call it pancakes or pancakes. We call them pancakes, but they are different in different regions. Anyway, the point is crispy and delicious!


Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits

1. Add 200 grams of flour to a teaspoon of yeast, knead into a dough, wake up for two hours, let the dough get fat

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

2. Wash the lettuce and cut into shreds, sprinkle some salt and marinate for half an hour to dehydrate, and squeeze the water dry after marinating

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

3. Soak the dried shrimps for two hours and then chop them slightly. Put a little hemp oil in the pot and saute the garlic and ginger. Pour the dried shrimps and stir-fry for a while. Add the chopped green onion, lettuce, dried shrimps, chicken essence and thirteen spices and stir evenly

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

4. Divide the dough into small pieces, the size of a fist

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

5. Roll out into thin discs on the thick side in the middle

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

6. Wrap stuffing and press into pie

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

7. Pour in the oil, fry in the pan until golden on both sides, then it can be out of the pan

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe

8. Loading

Lettuce Shrimp Biscuits recipe


Don't worry about being unfamiliar, because the previously fried vegetables are already cooked and they are easy to fry.


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