Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup

by Qinghehe

4.6 (1)








Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup

1. Prepare the ingredients, wash and soak.

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup recipe

2. Peel the pears and cut into small pieces.

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup recipe

3. Tear small pieces of white fungus bubble hair to remove the pedicle.

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup recipe

4. Put the white fungus in an electric purple casserole and add water and simmer for 40 minutes.

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup recipe

5. Then add the lily, red dates and rock sugar and continue to simmer for 30 minutes. Then add the diced pears and simmer the wolfberry a little.

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup recipe

6. It is ready to serve.

Lily Red Date and White Fungus Soup recipe


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