Lily Sishen Soup

Lily Sishen Soup

by Meimeijia's Kitchen

4.9 (1)




1h 30m



In winter, the humidity is heavy, so learn to make "Lily Sishen Soup" to dispel dampness and invigorate the spleen. It only costs 5 yuan. If you are also worried about dampness, you might as well take 5 minutes to finish this article.
Many people suffer from heavy moisture, and they always feel weak, their skin tends to be oily, and their poop will not form. Some people will have small blisters on their hands, which is quite maddening. In fact, these are all derived from moisture. When summer comes, many people drink barley and red bean soup, winter melon and barley soup to dispel dampness, but many people find that no matter how much dampness dispelling soup is drunk, the moisture is still heavy. In fact, the effect of single dispelling dampness is not ideal. There are three things that we can really drive moisture out of the body. The first is to invigorate the spleen and stomach, the second is to sweat slightly to help dehumidify, and the third is to dilute the dampness and help diuresis.

Moisture is like water in a pond, and the spleen and stomach are equivalent to a pump. If the pump is broken and the water cannot be pumped away in time, the moisture will be obvious. Therefore, invigorating the spleen and stomach is to increase the power of the pump, but if the pump is normal, the drain pipe is not large enough, and only strengthening the spleen and stomach is not enough. At this time, we must cooperate with slight sweating and diuresis to let moisture drain more smoothly, dispel dampness and invigorate the spleen The three-pronged approach of diuresis is effective in removing dampness. Like everyone has been drinking the damp-removing soup and plunged into the air-conditioned room, can this moisture be removed?

Although we just said to make your body sweat, you need to see clearly that it is slightly sweating. Some friends have heard that steaming sweat can dispel dampness. This method of sweating a lot is wrong. A lot of sweating will lose qi and blood. Insufficient qi and blood is bad for the spleen and stomach. This is completely different from our original intention of dampness treatment. Up. After understanding the key to dispelling dampness and removing dampness, I will share a dietary remedy for removing dampness, Lily Sishen Soup, and drink it with mild heat. Drink this soup often to nourish the spleen, nourish blood and remove moisture, without fail.


Lily Sishen Soup

1. The ingredients are ready.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe

2. Soak the lotus seeds, Gorgon lily and Poria cocos separately in clean water.

Especially Gorgon and Poria, their texture is relatively hard and hard to cook, so soak them for more than 3 hours in advance. We can also complete this work the night before. After the beginning of summer, the climate is hot and humid, and the spleen and stomach are easily damaged. The spleen is damp and sleepy, and it loses its function in transportation and transformation, resulting in more severe moisture. Gorgon can not only invigorate the spleen but also weaken the dampness. Therefore, when the summer humidity is heavy, it can be used to cook soup and porridge with lotus seeds and yam daily. It is not only very good for removing dampness, but also has the effect of nourishing blood. Poria replenishes the spleen, soothes the nerves and diminishes moisture; however, the taste of the cooked Poria is slightly dry, because after the cooking, the nutrients of the Poria are also precipitated into the soup. If you think that the taste of Poria is not good, use a grinder. After being beaten into flour and cooked, it tastes better when eaten.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe

3. Soak lotus seeds, lilies and yam. Wash the lotus seeds, lilies and yam dry and soak them for 15 minutes to make them absorb some water without soaking them for too long. The lotus seed itself has no effect on dampness. Adding it to this lily Sishen decoction can nourish the spleen and kidneys and help the movement and transformation of dampness, which can make the ingredients responsible for removing dampness and dampness better. Yam can not only dispel dampness, but also benefit lung qi. It is gentle and does not help dampness and nourish greasy. It is also a common ingredient for dispelling dampness. It is recommended to choose dried yam slices for the treatment of dampness. Compared with fresh yam, the effect of nourishing the spleen and dispelling dampness, nourishing qi and nourishing yin is better.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe

4. After all the ingredients were processed, we started to make Lily Sishen Soup. Put all the ingredients except rock sugar into the rice cooker together, select the porridge cooking program to cook, and it takes a total of one and a half hours. Use a rice cooker to cook the porridge, so you don’t need to bother to adjust the heat. If you are using ordinary pots, remember to boil on high heat for 10 minutes and then turn to medium and low heat to simmer. I added Yiwei Lily to Sishen Soup, which is more suitable for removing dampness in summer. Because lily has the tonic effect of clearing heat and lowering fire, it can also relieve the irritability of poor sleep in summer.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe

5. If there is no dried yam, you can use fresh yam directly. While cooking the porridge, peel the yam and cut it into small pieces.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe

6. In the last half an hour, pour the yam into the pot and cook together, because fresh yam is easier to cook, so don't leave it too early.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe

7. Towards the end of the program, add a small piece of rock sugar, stir with a spoon until the rock sugar melts, and the program just ends at this time. Rock sugar can reconcile the lack of taste in the ingredients such as Poria and Gorgon. Because rock sugar can nourish yin, nourish body fluid, nourish lungs and clear fire, and will not produce phlegm, rock sugar can be used as a medicine for the flavoring of dampness-removing dietary drinks. Rock sugar can be divided into single crystal rock sugar and polycrystalline rock sugar. It is recommended that you use polycrystalline rock sugar. This kind of rock sugar is a sugar that has not been decolorized and purified. The nutritional content is closer to sugar cane, and the taste is naturally not sweet and greasy.

Lily Sishen Soup recipe


This Sishen soup is refreshing and sweet, and has a particularly good taste. You might as well make more for your family. Use a rice cooker to make this soup. It is easy and convenient. If you make an appointment at night, you can eat it early in the morning. It is very convenient.
When the dampness disappears, dampness constipation and dampness puffiness will also be solved. This lily Sishen soup has simple ingredients and has a good effect of nourishing the spleen, nourishing blood and removing moisture. It is simple to make with zero failure. You might as well try it. During the production process, if you have any questions, you can leave a message to me, Meimei will know everything.


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