Millet Yam Porridge

Millet Yam Porridge

by gaopingzhao

4.6 (1)







Millet porridge is a healthy food. It can be boiled alone, or added with jujube, red beans, sweet potatoes, lotus seeds, lilies, yam, etc., to make nutritious porridge with different flavors.
Millet is sweet, salty, cool in nature, enters the spleen, stomach, kidney meridian, nourishes the spleen and stomach, treats dyspepsia, limb weakness, etc.
Yam is sweet and warm in nature. Tonic but not stagnant, not hot nor dry, can invigorate the spleen and stomach, and help digestion.
Yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is conducive to the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach. It is a food and medicine product that flattens the spleen and stomach. Regardless of spleen yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, it can be eaten.
Yam contains saponins and mucus, which have lubricating and nourishing effects, so it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin, and treat lung deficiency, phlegm, cough and chronic cough.


Millet Yam Porridge

1. First wash the red dates and soak them in water for 30 minutes.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

2. Wash the yam and peel it.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

3. Cut into slices.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

4. Millet is washed clean.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

5. Put water in the pot, put the red dates and millet into the pot.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

6. Put in the yam.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

7. Cover the pot and press the porridge button for 30 minutes to make the porridge.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

8. Automatically jump to the keep warm function.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

9. Prepared millet yam porridge.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe

10. Put it into a bowl and enjoy.

Millet Yam Porridge recipe


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