Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage

by Flying snow

4.6 (1)







Green nepeta has the effect of dispelling wind and relieving the surface; purple cabbage is rich in nutrients, especially rich in vitamin C, more vitamin E and vitamin B, as well as rich in anthocyanin and cellulose. Combine the two together and eat it together, which really saves time and cools the boss in the summer. I did this at noon today and I like the taste and taste. "


Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage

1. Ingredients map

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe

2. Cut the purple cabbage into 130g, break it and soak in water for 10-15 minutes

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe

3. Remove the dried water and cut into filaments

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe

4. After picking the nepeta into small flowers, rinse it

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe

5. Use four seasonings to make a juice

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe

6. Pour on the ingredients

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe

7. Mix well and serve

Nepeta Mixed with Red Cabbage recipe


Soak the purple cabbage first and then chop finely.


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