Noodles in Chicken Soup

Noodles in Chicken Soup

by Wanshanhong

4.6 (1)







Braised noodles are Henan's characteristic pasta, and they are also very well known. In our place, no matter the streets, large and small streets, various food stalls, and even restaurants, there will be this noodles, and there are countless braised noodle restaurants. Almost everyone in Henan likes to eat braised noodles. If you go out all the year round, once you return to your hometown, you must have a bowl of braised noodles, because this is the taste of hometown. My family also loves braised noodles, and I am quite good at making braised noodles. Haha, Pharaoh sold melons once. I have posted noodles with mutton, and that is the most common noodles. Today I changed it and made noodles in chicken broth. It’s just that the chicken soup is a little bit more demanding. It must be domestically raised, or at least free-range. Today I used a hen from the mountain that I had raised for 2 years and used it to stew the soup. One word: fragrant! "


Noodles in Chicken Soup

1. Wash the old hen and cut into pieces. The farm has raised laying hens for 2 years, only such chickens will have this yellow oil

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

2. Prepare boiled meat ingredients: 15g of angelica, 5 slices of red ginseng, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, and ginger. Because there is an old woman in my family who wants to provide her with nourishment, we also add red ginseng and angelica in addition to the seasoning. Generally speaking, you can only add angelica and remove the red ginseng.

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

3. Put the chicken in cold water and cook until it boils, skimming the foam. My own chickens don’t have much foam

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

4. Then put in all the cooking ingredients, boil on high heat and simmer for 5 hours on low heat. If you don’t have time, use a pressure cooker for 30 minutes

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

5. The cooked chicken broth is topped with a layer of yellow chicken fat. Sigh again, it's so hard to eat this kind of chicken now!

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

6. Add 250 grams of water and 3 grams of salt to 500 grams of flour to form a smooth dough. Now that there is a bread machine, I just let it dry and use a kneading program to knead the dough in place. Then another 15 minutes. If you don't have a bread machine, knead it by hand for a while to smooth the dough. Divide into 10 doses after cooking, cover with plastic wrap and rind for another 10 minutes. Then roll it out into a long piece. You can press it with a rolling pin in the middle to make it convenient for noodles.

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

7. Spread oil on both sides of the rolled dough sheet, place it in a pan, cover with plastic wrap and continue for more than half an hour before it is ready for use.

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

8. Tear the chicken into strips,

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

9. Put the chicken broth into the wok, add about half of the boiling water, add the chicken, add salt and pepper to taste

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe

10. Pull the noodles into the pot and cook, then put a little green vegetables, and then boil.

Noodles in Chicken Soup recipe


After the noodle dough is made up, you must have 饧. After a few 饧 processes, the noodles can only be cooked vigorously.


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