Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles

by Looking for Peach Blossom Island

4.9 (1)







I’ve been out for a day and my legs are sore. Let’s eat something delicious and easy to cook. The grilled cold noodles are actually grilled on an iron plate. The cold noodles are strong, sweet and sour in Thousand Island sauce, cumin burnt fragrant, eggs fragrant and tender, and a little spicy and green onion. . . A popular street snack, it's more hygienic and healthy to make by yourself!

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles

1. Peel the ham and cut into four pieces, chopped green onion, and mix well with cumin powder, sesame seeds, chicken powder and chili powder into a "barbecue" for later use.
Cold noodles should be pressed into a plate

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles recipe

2. Preheat the electric baking pan, brush the oil, put the cold noodles on, and turn on a small fire

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles recipe

3. When the cold noodles are slightly soft, beat an egg and spread evenly

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles recipe

4. When the egg is 70% set, quickly turn it over

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles recipe

5. Brush a little garlic chili sauce on the side without eggs, sprinkle some chopped green onion and "barbecue"

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles recipe

6. After the eggs are set, brush the Thousand Island sauce on the side with the eggs. After turning off the heat, roll the ham sausage, cut into pieces and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Northeast Roasted Cold Noodles recipe


1. What ingredients to add, actually depends on personal preference, you can also add lettuce, bacon and the like
2. If you like cold noodles with a softer taste, spray a little water on the surface of the cold noodles, but be sure to heat the pan with hot oil, so that the water is quickly absorbed by the cold noodles and will not stick to the cold noodles.
3. The grilled cold noodles are made of cold noodles with a thickness similar to Longkou vermicelli. They are not the thicker cold noodles that are usually eaten. They are not easy to cook and cannot be used as a substitute.


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