Nourishing Black Chicken Soup

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup

by Red red

4.7 (1)







Black-bone chicken is a good health product with the same medicine and food. Eating black-bone chicken can improve physiological function, delay aging, and strengthen muscles and bones. It has obvious effects in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, rickets, and iron-deficiency anemia in women. It is effective in the treatment of women's infertility, irregular menstruation, habitual abortion, leucorrhea, and postpartum weakness. It can be used for Adjuvant treatment of tuberculosis, coronary heart disease, gastric ulcer, neurasthenia, and infantile rickets. "


Nourishing Black Chicken Soup

1. Wash half of the black-bone chicken and chop into large pieces.

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup recipe

2. Boil a pot of water and add black-bone chicken to remove blood water.

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup recipe

3. Wash the ginger and slice it.

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup recipe

4. Soak other ingredients in clean water to remove dust.

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup recipe

5. Put all the ingredients together in a purple casserole pot, add about 2L of water.

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup recipe

6. Put on the lid of the casserole, plug in the power and turn it on automatically to start boiling the soup. It takes about 4 hours.

Nourishing Black Chicken Soup recipe


1. The black-bone chicken must be boiled after being boiled in water so that it can remove the blood and water.

2. The longer the black-bone chicken soup is simmered, the better it tastes.


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