Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal Cookies

by Lily's Kitchen

4.8 (1)







This oatmeal cookie is a simple and easy-to-learn recipe for Anzac biscuits. ANZAC Biscuit (or translated as ANZAC Biscuit, ANZAC Biscuit; English: ANZAC Biscuit) is a sweet biscuit, popular in Australia and New Zealand. Biscuits are made with oats, flour, dehydrated coconut, sugar, butter, syrup, baking soda and boiling water. The connection between the Anzac biscuits and the ANZAC can be traced back to the First World War.


Oatmeal Cookies

1. Mix the flour, oats, coconut and sugar.

Oatmeal Cookies recipe

2. Put the syrup, butter, baking soda and water in a small saucepan and cook until the butter melts.

Oatmeal Cookies recipe

3. Pour the cooked sugar liquid into the dry ingredients and mix well.

Oatmeal Cookies recipe

4. Gently reunite the mixed dough and flatten it with your thumb.

Oatmeal Cookies recipe

5. Preheat the oven at 170 degrees and bake for 12 minutes. Turn the baking tray halfway through and bake until the biscuits turn brown in a circle. Take out the baking tray. The biscuits will be very soft just after baking, but they will be very crisp when they cool down.

Oatmeal Cookies recipe


1. Replace white granulated sugar with red granulated sugar, which will give you a richer taste. 2. When styling, the hand should be light and fast. If you knead too hard or for too long, the flour will become gluten and affect the taste. 3. When making sugar liquid, you can also use a microwave to heat until the butter melts, but pay attention to heating at medium temperature and stirring midway.


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