Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup

by Flower fish

4.7 (1)








Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup

1. Ingredients: broad beans, meat bones (blanched), oily gluten

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

2. Peel the broad beans into meat seeds, wash them, and set aside.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

3. Put the blanched meat and bones into the pressure cooker.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

4. Add the right amount of cooking wine.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

5. Add some water.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

6. Then, close the lid and cook for 20 minutes on medium-low heat, then turn off the heat.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

7. Open the lid after simmering until exhausted.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

8. Then, combine the oily gluten and the panned broad beans, stir and bring to a boil, cook until the broad beans are broken.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

9. Finally, add the right amount of salt.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

10. Add the right amount of MSG.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe

11. Stir the seasoning well and serve.

Oily Gluten Broad Bean Meat Bone Soup recipe


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