Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice

by Zhu Zhu_oysy

4.7 (1)







After receiving the gift from "Sun Valley", I used it to make "rice", but for "face value control", it is necessary to pursue "visual enjoyment". "


Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice

1. One pack of Sun Valley chicken breast is 120g.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

2. Prepare ingredients, appropriate amount of corn sweet beans, 3 eggs, and diced chicken breast.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

3. Take an appropriate amount of the four-color rice and wash it well.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

4. Add corn sweet beans.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

5. Add water and make an appointment to cook at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

6. Three eggs, separate the white and the yolk.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

7. Break up the egg yolks.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

8. In a flat-bottomed non-stick pan, use a frying pan to fry the egg yolk liquid into a pancake.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

9. Use a mold to engrave the fried egg skin into a pattern, and use the extra edge.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

10. Break up the egg whites.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

11. Fry into egg white crust.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

12. Fry two egg white skins and two egg yolk skins.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

13. The rice is cooked, add the diced chicken, add some salt and mix well.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

14. The rice is wrapped in egg skin.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

15. Or serve rice on a plate and sprinkle with "egg stars".

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

16. Or cover the rice with egg white skin and sprinkle with "stars".

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe

17. Today's breakfast.

Omelet Chicken Multi-grain Rice recipe


When frying the egg white, you can actually use the carved egg yolk 🌟 into the pot and then pour the egg white liquid, so that the stars can be embedded in the egg white skin, which will be more beautiful (you can also change the two colors).


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