Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder

Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder

by Little Monster 2721

4.6 (1)







After several months of supplementary food addition, I have almost eaten all kinds of usual foods. Today, I suddenly wanted to make onion rice paste, and I don’t know how my baby would react.


Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder

1. Wash the onion, wash the rice and soak hair

Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder recipe

2. Add a spoonful of rice and a spoonful of water to the juice machine to grind

Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder recipe

3. Add onion and grind with rice

Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder recipe

4. Boil the ground rice milk in a small pot over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, put it in a baby's small bowl, add a little bit of homemade beef powder while it is hot, the beef powder will slowly release its aroma under the heat of the rice paste.

Onion Rice Paste with Beef Powder recipe


Before doing it, I was worried that the baby would dislike the smell of onions. In fact, the baby was very happy to eat, and the small half bowl was quickly eaten.


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