Orleans Coke Chicken Wings

Orleans Coke Chicken Wings

by Xin Xiaohui

4.9 (1)







There is no photo taken in the step, and the taste is better after repeated practice.


Orleans Coke Chicken Wings

1. The chicken wings are blanched and blooded. Use a cutting knife for later use. Cut green onions into large sections and slice ginger for later use.

2. Put the chicken wings in a clean bowl, add half a teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of cooking wine, one teaspoon of soy sauce, half a pack of Orleans marinade, green onions and ginger and marinate for 15-20 minutes.

3. Heat oil on medium heat, add star anise and pepper to fry until fragrant, deep fry the marinated chicken wings until both sides are browned, pour in cola and reduce the chicken wings to low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

4. When the soup is about to boil dry, add sugar and increase the heat to collect the juice.


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