Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder

by Cooking woman snacks

4.7 (1)







The lotus root clamp is one of my favorite fried foods.
The tender meat and crispy lotus root slices have a unique fragrance.
It tastes fragrant and not greasy,
But fried lotus root tongs are more troublesome to make. The oil used for each frying looks shocking.
The fried oil is not easy to handle.
This time, I tried to make fried lotus root tongs and changed from deep-fried to fried. You can eat crispy and tender lotus root tongs with a little oil.


Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder

1. Prepare the pork filling

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

2. Add 10 grams of salt and 10 grams of chicken powder,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

3. Add 100 grams of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

4. 15g shallots finely chopped,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

5. 5 grams of ginger are also finely chopped,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

6. Add the minced meat together, then beat in an egg,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

7. Stir well first, then add 100 grams of water and beat quickly until the meat is thick and vigorous.
It must be stirred quickly for a long time to allow the minced meat to absorb all the ingredients.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

8. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixed meat filling and continue to beat until evenly.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

9. Cover the minced meat with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for more than 2 hours.
I usually refrigerate the minced meat overnight.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

10. Scrape off the skin of fresh lotus root, wash it,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

11. Cutting with the blade means that one knife keeps breaking, and the whole lotus root is sliced. It is better to slice the lotus root thinly.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

12. Take out the marinated meat filling, fill the appropriate amount of meat filling into the sliced lotus root, lightly flatten it, and the filling should not be too full.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

13. Do it all in turn,

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

14. Prepare an appropriate amount of dried starch or fried powder.
Wrap the lotus root with dry powder.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe

15. Add a tablespoon of oil to the frying pan, put the dried lotus root clamps in the pan, and fry them over medium and low heat until golden on both sides.
If you do too much or the oil is consumed quickly, you can add more oil in an appropriate amount.

Pan-fried Lotus Root Folder recipe


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