Pickled Carrot Sticks

Pickled Carrot Sticks

by Tianshan Cocoa

4.7 (1)







Remember that when you were young, Dad, you used to buy a lot of green radishes and let your mother make radish sticks. Every time you drink, you must eat this side dish. Sometimes you can eat porridge with porridge for breakfast. You said this is the best side dish for porridge, too. Appetizing small wine dishes.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who like to cook, and I am the same. Pickled radish sticks are the most popular dish, and they are cheap enough. Today I will introduce the method of pickled radish sticks. Are you a lazy person? That's okay, lazy people can also learn to cook. If you want to know how to make pickled radish sticks, let’s take a look. This is an appetizing home-cooked dish. It’s very simple how to make it."


Pickled Carrot Sticks

1. Material: green radish

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

2. Ginger powder, salt, white sugar, 1 pinch of chilli noodles, sesame seeds, pepper powder, pepper, a pinch of light soy sauce, clear oil

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

3. Cut off the roots of the radishes, wash them, and cut them into 5 cm long and 1 cm square strips, and dry them until they are 80% dry.

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

4. Wash the dried radish sticks with boiling water to remove the floating dust and drain the water

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

5. Add refined salt, pepper, pepper powder, a little sugar, ginger powder, light soy sauce and marinate for 2 days (this tastes good too)

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

6. It must be covered, or the smell is scattered and dirty.

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

7. Heat the oil and pour it on the sesame chili noodles, and mix it with the marinated radish sticks

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe

8. It should be mixed evenly, spicy and sweet, spicy and crispy. It can be used as an appetizer or snack.

Pickled Carrot Sticks recipe


Dry the radish sticks to a certain extent, remove the water, and make a lot of it. You can put it in a container and put it in the refrigerator, and take it as you eat.

Green radish, also known as Weiqing radish, tastes pungent, sweet, and cool in nature; the familiar is sweet and flat. It can clear heat and promote body fluid, cool blood to stop bleeding, resolve phlegm and relieve cough, facilitate urination, and detoxify; those who are familiar tend to benefit the spleen and stomach, and eliminate food and lower qi. There are many proverbs about radish: eat radish in winter and ginger in summer without a doctor's prescription. "Eating radish and drinking tea makes doctors crawl all over the street with anger." "Eating radish is really beneficial. Eating radish regularly can lower blood fat, soften blood vessels, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis and other diseases.


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