Pickled Fish

Pickled Fish

by SLH Wei Xiaomo

4.7 (1)







There is nothing to give to yourself at Christmas, just make a pickled cabbage fish to reward yourself.


Pickled Fish

1. Carp is slaughtered and cleaned. Put the sliced fish fillets in a large bowl, add a little salt, pepper, ginger, and cooking wine to marinate for 15 minutes to make the fish taste delicious.

Pickled Fish recipe

2. Cut scallion into sections, shred ginger, slice garlic, cut chili into sections, and appropriate amount of dried pepper.

Pickled Fish recipe

3. Take out the sauerkraut (I bought the sauerkraut fish seasoning package, just use the sauerkraut package inside).

Pickled Fish recipe

4. Add edible oil to the wok and stir-fry the shallots, ginger, garlic, dried chili, and stir-fry for a fragrance. Then pour the sauerkraut package into the wok, and stir-fry the sauerkraut.

Pickled Fish recipe

5. Then put the fish head and fish bones into the pot and stir fry to remove the fishy.

Pickled Fish recipe

6. Add appropriate amount of boiling water, turn the water to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Then add two teaspoons of salt to taste.

Pickled Fish recipe

7. Then put the fish head and sauerkraut into another pot or pot, keep the soup in the pot, put the remaining fish fillets into the pot one by one, gently move the fish fillets with chopsticks without stirring, cook 2- The fish fillets are formed in 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and place the fish meat and soup in the basin containing the fish head.

Pickled Fish recipe

8. Wash the pot, put in a small amount of cooking oil, put the pepper and peppercorns into the pot to squeeze the oil, pour the oil and pepper on the fish, and sprinkle with coriander.

Pickled Fish recipe


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