Pigeon Mung Bean Soup

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup

by Jackey cat

4.7 (1)







LG said that it’s been a long time since I drank the cat soup. I thought there was nothing to make soup at home, so I went to the market and bought a pigeon. Cooking pigeons with mung beans is a classic Cantonese style of clearing heat and moisturizing. Lung soup, autumn is here, this soup can also go to the autumn dryness, play a role in nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs, so those who like it can also make it


Pigeon Mung Bean Soup

1. Mung beans, lilies, barley, ginseng, tangerine peel, all washed and soaked in water

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

2. The pigeons are cleaned, and they don’t need both heads and tails. Some people don’t like to have that layer of skin. They think it’s greasy.

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

3. Chopped into chunks

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

4. Add water and ginger slices in a small pot, blanch the pigeon meat to remove any blood foam

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

5. Put the right amount of water in the casserole, put mung beans, barley, and ginseng into the pot

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

6. Scrape off the inner white film of tangerine peel, cut into filaments and put it in a casserole

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

7. The blanched pigeons and candied dates are also put in the pot

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

8. Close the lid and open fire

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

9. After the pot is boiled, don’t turn to low heat as usual, but turn to medium to high heat, because mung beans need to be boiled to be delicious.

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

10. After boiling for 1 hour, remove the mung bean skins floating on the surface and skim them

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

11. Add lily and turn to low heat for 1 hour

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe

12. Add appropriate amount of salt to taste before eating

Pigeon Mung Bean Soup recipe


This soup has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, moisturizing the lungs and moisturizing dryness. It is very suitable for drinking in autumn, but it is not suitable if the body is cold.


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