#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup

by zimo

5.0 (1)







I like to watch Korean TV dramas most. In fact, the characters in the drama are cooking a pot of instant noodles and then eating the instant noodles with the lid of the pot. It really blows up the population. I can’t wait to jump into the TV and have a good meal. On this cold winter day, I also cook a pot of instant noodles and add the stewed pigeon ribs soup. The taste is really wonderful, the soup is delicious, the noodles are firm and springy, and smooth and refreshing, you hurry up Cook a bowl and try it too!


#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup

1. Put an appropriate amount of water in the casserole and bring it to a boil

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

2. After the water boils, put in the instant noodle cake

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

3. After the instant noodles are soft, put in the lotus root

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

4. Wash the lettuce when cooking the noodles

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

5. Stir the noodles again with chopsticks, simmer for about two minutes on low heat

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

6. Cook the noodles in cold water

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

7. See how bright and bright the stewed pigeon ribs soup is. You don’t need to put oil in the meeting.

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

8. Put the drained noodles into the casserole again, put the pigeon ribs soup over the noodles, and boil on high heat

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe

9. After boiled, put in the lettuce, add an appropriate amount of salt to sweeten it, blanch until it is broken, turn off the heat, cover and simmer for a minute, then put the chopped boiled egg, sprinkle with chives, and a bowl The delicious noodle soup is complete

#中卓牛骨汤面#pigeon Ribs Noodle Soup recipe


1. The instant noodles and lotus root balls are deep-fried, so it will be cooked with more water and healthier\n2. The pigeon soup has a lot of oil, so there is no need to add oil


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