Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns

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Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns

1. 300 grams of flour, 170 grams of water, 2 grams of yeast. Mix into a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap, and place in a warm place to save hair. In general, 100g puts 1g in the yeast, I have a long time to make the noodles, so it is reduced.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

2. Filling: 120 grams of Pleurotus eryngii, 100 grams of leeks, 55 grams of scrambled eggs, 50 grams of soaked fungus, 60 grams of soaked scallops, 50g of vermicelli. The soaked scallops are pressed open with a knife, and they are like filaments. Do not use too much water when soaking the scallops, you can add a spoonful to the filling.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

3. Add thirteen incense, ginger powder, two spoons of 20g pepper oil (fry 5 peppercorns in the oil and remove the peppercorns, the rest is the pepper oil) and a little bit of sesame oil, add an appropriate amount of salt, and a little bit of soy sauce and mix well. Very fragrant, no scallops, replaced with dried sea rice or dried shrimps.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

4. The fermented dough is full of pores inside.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

5. Knead the dough until it is smooth, knead evenly thick strips, cut into a paste, and press flat. Each dose weighs 26, 7g, a total of 18. Experience: It is better to have a larger size of 37 or 38g, and the dough should be thicker, so that there is room for bulging hair.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

6. Roll out into a thin wafer with a thicker side in the middle

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

7. The 18 skins just wrapped the prepared fillings. Leave it in a warm place and save it for a while. The saving time is related to the temperature. Experience: save it if the volume becomes lighter.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

8. Brush the pan with some oil, not too much oil. After pouring the oil over for a while, it will make the surface of the buns oily.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

9. Fry until the bottom of the bun turns yellow. Quickly add 55g of water, cover the pot tightly, and heat on a low fire. If the steamed buns are not fried well, there is a simple method: shake the pan gently, as long as the steamed buns move in the pan, it means that the steamed buns are ready. Reminder: I usually don't put the buns in the middle of the pot, because the middle is subject to high temperature and easy to paste. Or add a pot stand on the stove to raise the pot.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

10. Fry until there is no water in the pan, simmer for a while and you can get out of the pan.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

11. The leeks are still green! Very tasty! But the hair is not very good. One of the reasons is that the skin is too thin. The second is that there is a lot of stuffing. The third is that the fermentation time and temperature are not enough.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe

12. Look at what I did before, Xuanruan can be seen.

Pleurotus Eryngii Fried Buns recipe


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