Pork Flavored Eggplant

Pork Flavored Eggplant

by Akai╮(╯▽╰)╭ing (from WeChat.)

4.9 (1)







⒈Eggplant is rich in nutrients, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients.
⒉The content of vitamin P in eggplant is very high, and every 100 grams contains 750 mg of vitamin P. It can enhance the adhesion between human cells, enhance the elasticity of capillaries, reduce fragility and permeability, and prevent capillary rupture and bleeding.
⒊Eggplant also contains phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other trace elements and choline, trigonelline, stachyine, solanine and other alkaloids. Especially purple eggplant has a higher vitamin content. Can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells in the digestive tract.
⒋Vitamin C and saponin contained in eggplant fiber have the effect of lowering cholesterol. Foreign scholars put forward the "12 methods for lowering cholesterol", and eating eggplant is one of them.
⒌B vitamins contained in eggplant also have a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on dysmenorrhea, chronic gastritis and nephritis and edema.


Pork Flavored Eggplant

1. Remove the stalks of the eggplant and wash.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

2. Cut it in half in the middle, and then slice it.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

3. Add 15 ml of oil to the pan and stir evenly.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

4. Fry the eggplants in a pan.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

5. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

6. The fried eggplant is served on a plate.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

7. Cut garlic into half, slice half, and cut bell pepper into cubes.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

8. Add the remaining oil to the pan again, add star anise and cinnamon, stir fry until fragrant, add garlic and fry until golden brown.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

9. Put the chopped seeds, cook in the soy sauce, add a little water, add white sugar, salt, chicken essence, pepper and dark soy sauce, mix thoroughly, add bell peppers to high heat to collect the soup.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

10. Finally, add garlic to thicken it and it will be out of the pot.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe

11. This is a serving dish.

Pork Flavored Eggplant recipe


This way, eggplants are fuel-efficient and delicious, fast and healthy. When frying and roasting, you must master the heat, it will not taste good if it is battered. Don't put too much oil when frying. Eggplant is like sponge. It will be unhealthy if you put too much oil in it.


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