Potato and Bean Noodles

Potato and Bean Noodles

by Heaven and Earth_fSEj

4.8 (1)







This bowl of noodles is very home-cooked, very common, and it is available in the material homes. This bowl of noodles is improved from the mother's practice. The small potatoes in Huangmeishan District are especially delicious. Mother's family is there. The potato noodle soup inherited from my grandmother has been eaten since childhood. When my mother made the potatoes, the water was boiled and the potatoes were boiled directly. The small potatoes of Huangmei are of good quality and they are also delicious to eat. They are slightly rustic. Today’s bowl of potato noodles, potatoes are fried, fresher and more delicious. Here are detailed steps for friends in need. (Today I made one serving for girls, please add the amount for multiple people)"


Potato and Bean Noodles

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces with a hob. They should not be too big, they will not be cooked well.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

2. Cut the large lentils into thick strips.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

3. Cut the garlic sprouts into small pieces.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

4. Sliced ginger.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

5. Saute the ginger slices in hot oil.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

6. Put the potato pieces.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

7. Stir-fry the potato cubes until translucent. See the picture to see that the side of the potato is translucent. Enlarge the lentil strips.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

8. Stir-fry until the potatoes are not raw, so that they will simmer easily.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

9. Pour the right amount of boiling water, a little more. Keep the lid on for 6 minutes (the water will be less when it is stuffy).

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

10. The potatoes are crispy, and the noodles are handmade.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

11. Cook for about a minute and a half, add some salt and light soy sauce and pepper to taste.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe

12. Sprinkle with garlic sprouts out of the pot and eat.

Potato and Bean Noodles recipe


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