Potato Ham Pizza

Potato Ham Pizza

by elmonte

4.9 (1)







My son helped to mop the kitchen floor, and I promised to make pizza on the weekend as a reward, coaxing the kid to heart. The child’s request is as simple as that. Make something delicious and they will actively help with housework. "


Potato Ham Pizza

1. 1. Put the crust material into the bread machine and start kneading the dough according to the pizza dough procedure, and ferment to 2 times the size.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

2. After the dough is finished, take it out and press to exhaust, divide it into 2 parts, and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

3. Use a rolling pin to roll out a piece of dough which is about the same size as the baking pan. Put the dough into the plate and press to shape it with your hands. Press out a thin, slightly higher edge and slightly thicker crust. Use a fork to make a hole to prevent it from baking. Bulge up.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

4. During kneading and fermentation, the filling can be prepared. Peel and slice potatoes.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

5. Slice the ham and salami, and dice the mozzarella cheese.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

6. Slice the mushrooms and dice the green peppers.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

7. Spread the pizza sauce on the crust and sprinkle a layer of mozzarella cheese.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

8. Spread potato chips and sprinkle with cheese.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

9. Spread the mushrooms, green peppers, salami, and ham on top in turn, sprinkle a layer of cheese, and brush the edges with egg liquid.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe

10. Preheat the oven at 400F/200C, bake for 20 minutes, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, and bake for 5 minutes.

Potato Ham Pizza recipe


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