Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal

by Eyebrow:

4.9 (1)







Quinoa is one of the top 10 healthy and nutritious foods in the world. It has the characteristics of high protein, low calorie, high nutrition and low sugar. It is the best choice for weight loss and body shaping people and pregnant women, infants and children with three highs. While enjoying food More protection of health.
Today’s oil-free and sugar-free bread, thanks to the addition of white quinoa and sunflower seeds, walnuts, raisins and other dried fruits, it is not only healthy, but also good in taste: soft and chewy, but also nutty and fruity. Dry and sweet.
This bread has a larger water content and a softer heart. But if you are not accustomed to the operation of large-volume bread, you can reduce the moisture. "


Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal

1. ①~②Pour 50 grams of white quinoa into the pot, add 150 grams of water, and cook until thick as shown in Figure ②. ③~④ Sift 300 grams of high-gluten flour, pour it into the mixing bucket of the bread machine, add quinoa porridge, 180 grams of milk and 3 grams of salt, stir with a spatula to form a flocculent shape, leave the dough mixing process for 20 minutes, cover with plastic wrap or damp cloth Refrigerate for more than 30 minutes. No yeast is added in this step to prevent the dough from fermenting when it is refrigerated and hydrated.

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe

2. ⑤The yeast is hydrated with 15 grams (can be left for 5 minutes to activate), take out the dough from the refrigerator and cut it into small pieces, put it into the bread machine together with the yeast liquid, and go for a kneading process for 20 minutes. Watch the dough this time to prevent over-kneading the dough. ⑥ I have kneaded this a bit, and knead it until the transparent film can be pulled out, and the holes are smooth and no jagged. ⑦Hold the dough and put it in a large greased bowl (greased to prevent sticking), and put it in a large plastic bag for fermentation at room temperature (28°C). ⑧Send it to twice the size, and poke a hole with your fingers so that the hole does not rebound or collapse.

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe

3. ⑨ Use a scraper to help pour the dough on the chopping board. ⑩Dip your fingers in water, gently pull one end of the dough, stretch it, and fold it back 1/3, stretch the other end and fold it back, and cover it to form a three-fold. Then change the direction and fold it three times (that is, fold it three times in the left and right directions, and then fold it three times in the up and down directions, because the dough is wet and the fingers are wet to prevent sticking). Cover the plastic bag and let it relax for 20 minutes. Try not to touch the dough with the plastic bag. ⑪ Divide the dough evenly, I divided it into 8. ⑫Same as the way to fold the big dough, fold each divided dough in three left and right, and then in three up and down. Cover the plastic bag and relax for 20 minutes.

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe

4. ⑬ Pick up one end of the dough with your finger in water, stretch the thin end on the chopping board, arrange the other end into a rectangle, and tap it with your hand to remove large bubbles. ⑭Sprinkle the nuts and raisins on the dough, do not sprinkle the thinned area at the bottom. ⑮ Roll up from the top, don't roll it too loosely. Put some water on your hands if you are sticky. ⑯ At the end of the roll, use a scraper to scoop up the rolled bread dough.

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe

5. ⑰ Put it in a non-stick baking pan. All the dough is ready and put in a plastic bag, because the room temperature is higher in summer, it can be fermented at room temperature. ⑱ When the size is twice as large, dip your fingers in dry powder and press a small hole on the side of the dough, and it will bounce back slowly. ⑲ Spray water mist on the surface of the bread dough, sift a layer of dry flour (outside the formula), and cut with a sharp blade. I use a shaving blade. ⑳ Put an empty baking pan in the oven, preheat at 230℃, put in the bread dough, pour a bowl of water into the empty baking pan, and close the oven door immediately. Bake for about 30 minutes, pay attention to observation, color can be covered with tin foil. Bake until the rich aroma of bread comes out and it can be out of the oven. The skin of freshly baked bread is crisp and hard, and it becomes soft after cooling and sealing overnight.

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe

6. The delicious bread is out!

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe

7. The taste is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It is sweet and chewy. Whether it is for breakfast or afternoon tea, you don’t have to worry about getting fat!

Quinoa Dried Fruit Oatmeal recipe


1. This quinoa bread chooses white quinoa, which tastes softer than colored quinoa.
2. The water absorption of flour is different, and the amount of liquid added is also different. When kneading the dough, do not pour the milk into the flour all at once. You can reserve 20 grams of milk and add it according to the dryness and wetness of the dough. It’s normal for the dough to stick to your hands, so it’s best to use a bread machine or a chef’s machine to knead the dough. Fold the dough up and down three times, then left and right three times with a spatula, and turn it over 5-6 times.
3. The temperature and time of the oven, please adjust according to the temper of your own oven. The temperature and time given by the recipe are for reference only.
4. The first mixing procedure can not be finished for 20 minutes, just stir it into a dough. The function of refrigerating in the refrigerator 1 is to cool down, 2 is to hydrate the dough, so that the dough will produce gluten in the rest. It's best to watch the dough for the second time, check the dough from time to time, and don't knead it too much.
5. Applying a little water on your hands during plastic surgery can solve the problem of sticky dough.
6. There is no limit to the types of dried fruits and nuts, so you can put whatever you like. I put sunflower seeds, walnuts and raisins.
7. Put it out of the oven and let it cool on the net, and keep it sealed. If you can't finish it for a while, keep it in the refrigerator, and then reheat it to the temperature or spray water at 170°C without preheating for 5 minutes.


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