Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll

by Fallen leaves flying all over the sky

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I have always wanted to make healthy and delicious cakes for women to eat, but I am afraid that it is too difficult to do it. In May of this year, I finally got the courage to try baking. Experiments have proved that baking is actually not too difficult, as long as you have patience, you can do it well. This chiffon roll is my girl’s favorite to eat. Every time she went to a cake shop, she would buy some slander. Haha, since her mother I was able to make it myself, she never went to the cake shop again.

On the last autumn school outing, I made some cakes and biscuits for her to take and share with classmates. When she came back, she told my classmates that she was envious of her, and that she was really happy to have a mother who could make good food. Seeing her satisfaction, even if I was tired, it was worth it. "


Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll

1. material

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

2. Ingredients, the flour is sifted twice first, so that the cake is softer.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

3. Separate the egg yolk from the egg white, and be careful not to get oil and water

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

4. Put the milk and oil together and stir with a manual whisk until the oil and water are mixed. (You can add a little salt to emphasize the sweetness) Add part of the powdered sugar and mix well.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

5. Pour the egg yolks into the oily milk one by one and mix well.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

6. Sift in low powder, preferably two or three times. Stir until there are no particles.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

7. The egg whites are beaten with an electric whisk at medium speed until large bubbles are formed. Add a few drops of white vinegar and continue to beat.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

8. When the egg whites doubles, add 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and beat at medium speed.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

9. After beating for about one minute, the egg whites become more delicate, and then add 1 spoonful of powdered sugar to continue beating.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

10. When the egg whites start to see the lines, pour in the last powdered sugar and beat it again.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

11. Finally, it won’t sag until the egg white is hung on the beater head, as well.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

12. Pour 1/3 of the egg whites into the batter and stir slightly

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

13. Pour the stirred batter into the remaining egg whites and stir thoroughly. Note that you can't stir around in a circular motion, you can only use cutting or stir-frying. Move briskly.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

14. Squeeze the raisins soaked in advance, and sprinkle them on a baking sheet lined with cake paper.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

15. Pour in the batter lightly and level it out. Vibrate vigorously to shake away the big bubbles inside. Sprinkle a few raisins on top. Put it in a preheated 200 degree oven, and bake the upper and lower fire at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Adjust 160 degrees in the next 0 minutes.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

16. The cake is not sticky when patted, and it is flexible. Take it out and use a stripper knife to cut all sides.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

17. Put the cake upside down on the baking net which has been padded with paper, put it to warm, upside down, and spread the blueberry sauce. Roll it up quickly while it's warm. If the front cracks are okay, continue rolling.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

18. After setting the shape for a while, it can be cut into pieces and placed.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe

19. Personally, I think it tastes better if you put it in the refrigerator.

Raisin Blueberry Chiffon Roll recipe


When you roll it, take it while it's still warm, or it will crack easily.


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