Red Date Lily Millet Congee

Red Date Lily Millet Congee

by Product life

4.7 (1)







The spring diet should be light. Millet porridge can invigorate the spleen and stomach, and enhance the qi of the human spleen and stomach.


Red Date Lily Millet Congee

1. Wash the millet again, wash the lily and break into small pieces, wash the red dates

Red Date Lily Millet Congee recipe

2. Put water in the pot, boil and add the washed millet

Red Date Lily Millet Congee recipe

3. Add red dates

Red Date Lily Millet Congee recipe

4. Cook on medium and low heat until the millet porridge is sticky

Red Date Lily Millet Congee recipe

5. Add medlar and lily, cook for about 30 seconds to turn off the heat

Red Date Lily Millet Congee recipe


The amount of millet and water can be adjusted according to your preferences;
Put the wolfberry and lily when they are cooked to reduce the loss of nutrients.


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