Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings

by Knight prodigal son

4.8 (1)







1. The efficacy of red wine for beauty and anti-aging

Wine's unique organic compounds such as polyphenols enable wine to lower blood lipids, inhibit bad cholesterol, soften blood vessels, enhance cardiovascular function and cardiac activity. It also has beauty and anti-aging effects.

2. The effect of red wine helps digestion

In the stomach, 60-100 grams of wine can increase the output of normal gastric juice by 120 ml (including 1 gram of free hydrochloric acid). Wine is conducive to the assimilation of protein; the tannins of red wine can increase the contractility of smooth muscle fibers in the intestinal muscular system. Therefore, wine can adjust the function of the colon and has a certain effect on colitis. Sweet white wine contains potassium sorbate, which helps the secretion of bile and pancreas. Therefore, wine can help digestion and prevent constipation.

3. The efficacy of red wine for weight loss

Wine has the effect of reducing body weight. Dry wine contains 525 calories per liter, which is only 1/15 of the average daily calories required by the human body. After drinking, the wine can be directly absorbed and digested by the human body, and all of it is consumed within 4 hours without weight gain. Therefore, people who regularly drink dry wine can not only supplement the water and a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, but also help lose weight.

4. The effect of red wine can increase appetite

The bright color of the wine and the clear and transparent body are pleasing to the eye; when poured into the glass, the fruity wine is fragrant; when tasting, the tannins in the wine have a slightly astringent taste, which promotes appetite. The unique wine flavor and ingredients determine that it is most suitable for accompaniment. It can not only appetite, digest food and improve the quality of meals, but also make people excited and relax.

5. The diuretic effect of the efficacy of red wine

In some white wines, the content of potassium sulfate and potassium oxide is high, which has a diuretic effect, which can prevent edema and maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

6. The bactericidal effect of the efficacy of red wine

A long time ago, people recognized the bactericidal effect of wine. For example, colds are a common and frequently-occurring disease. The antibacterial substances in wine have an inhibitory effect on influenza viruses. The traditional method is to drink a glass of mulled wine or heat a glass of red grape-wine, then break into an egg and stir it. Stop heating and drink after cooling slightly. Studies have shown that the bactericidal effect of wine is because it contains antibacterial and bactericidal substances.

7. Cardiovascular system regulation

At the same time, red wine polyphenols can enhance nitric oxide synthase and promote the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vascular regulator, responsible for dilating blood vessels, reducing high blood pressure and regulating endothelial dysfunction. (From Baidu)

With so many effects, let's make up for it together! The taste is really wonderful, with wine-smelling chicken wings and millet powder, I want to have another plate after eating it, haha! "


Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings

1. Prepare all the ingredients: wash the chicken wings and drain the water; peel the scallops and peel them for later use.

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe

2. Put a little olive oil in the pot.

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe

3. Add the chicken wings and fry for one minute.

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe

4. Flip the other side and fry for another minute.

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe

5. Pour the red wine over the chicken wings and add more (chestnuts are slightly harder to cook), and add rock sugar;

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe

6. When the rock sugar melts, add the chestnut.

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe

7. Add a little salt, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce to medium and low heat until the soup is thick, and just collect the juice on high heat!

Red Wine Chestnut Chicken Wings recipe


1. If you have leftover red wine at home, you might as well try this method...

2. The amount of rock sugar added should be controlled by yourself. I think it's a bit sour if you put red wine alone!


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