Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat

by Perfume Chef

4.7 (1)








Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat

1. Soak the yuba in water for about four hours

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

2. The soaked yuba controls the moisture and squeezes out the water by hand. Cut another cucumber. Shred the cucumber.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

3. Prepare minced garlic, chopped green onion, spicy millet, thin chili noodles, thick chili noodles, and white sesame seeds.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

4. Boil some oil in a pot, boil the oil, and pour it in a bowl.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

5. Add light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, salt and chicken powder.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

6. Stir all the ingredients evenly.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

7. Pour the seasoning juice in the bowl on the yuba, put coriander on it, squeeze some lemon juice, and mix well.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

8. Sour and spicy summer salad.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe

9. You can match a variety of vegetables according to personal taste.

Refreshing Cold Yuba Like I Do, I Don’t Change The Meat recipe


First, soak the yuba in cold water. Second, the spiciness increases or decreases according to personal taste.
Third, the yuba can add various vegetables according to personal taste, such as fungus, onions, peanuts, lettuce, etc.


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