Ribs Braised Rice

Ribs Braised Rice

by Chen Huan

4.9 (1)







This staple food, with rice, vegetables, one pot, can be said to be a convenient lazy recipe. The ribs are soft and delicious, the rice is crystal clear, soaking up the soup, it is very delicious! The most important thing is to use an electric rice cooker to make it without worrying about the heat, which is very convenient!

When making, you can also add some other favorite ingredients, such as carrot diced, potato diced, various fungi, etc., and it is more nutritious. Anyway, put whatever you like.
The ribs can be marinated in advance for more delicious flavor. When adding salt, you can add a little more so that the rice will taste more salty. The glutinous rice in the ingredients can be omitted in order to make the rice softer.

The dark soy sauce is mainly for coloring. If you like lighter colors, you can add a little bit less, or just use light soy sauce. The bibimbap sauce is very fragrant and slightly spicy, which is what I like, so I put a spoonful. "

Ribs Braised Rice

1. The main material is spare.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

2. Seasoning is reserved.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

3. Cut the ribs into large pieces.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

4. Set aside after blanching.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

5. Heat the oil pan and pour in the right amount of cooking oil.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

6. Add the blanched ribs.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

7. Add sugar and fry until slightly yellowed.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

8. Add cooking wine and light soy sauce.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

9. Color the right amount of dark soy sauce and mix well.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

10. Add ginger and garlic slices.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

11. Bibimbap sauce and salt according to personal taste.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

12. Then inject an appropriate amount of water.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

13. The rice is washed clean.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

14. Pour the ribs in the pot, along with the soup, and rice into the rice cooker.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

15. Press the standard cooking button, cook the rice and simmer for more than ten minutes.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe

16. Stir evenly with a rice spoon when it comes out of the pot and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Ribs Braised Rice recipe


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