Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice

Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice

by May Little Chef

4.6 (1)







I like all simple and delicious cooking methods.


Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice

1. Cut the sausage into thin slices and cut all the side dishes. I only have onions and broccoli today, like potatoes, white radishes and shiitake mushrooms. They all go well with each other.

Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice recipe

2. Add oil to the pan and sauté the scallions, ginger, garlic, stir-fry the sausages in the pan for a while, add the side dishes and fry together, potatoes, onions, radishes, dried mushrooms, etc., except for broccoli

Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice recipe

3. Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, just a little bit, chicken essence, and if there is not enough salt, add some salt. Then add in water without the ingredients and cook for about 5 minutes

Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice recipe

4. Put the rice in the rice cooker and add the fried ingredients. At this time, there is some soup in the ingredients, mix well with the rice, and then add some water. The total amount of water is less than usual for steamed rice.

Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice recipe

5. Press the cook button and cook the rice normally. When the rice cooker prompts that there are still 10 minutes to cook, add broccoli and sprinkle some goji berries until it is cooked, then simmer for a while.

Rice Cooker Sausage Braised Rice recipe


1. The sausages here can be replaced with other meats, such as ribs, which are equally delicious;
2. There are also a variety of choices for side dishes. Potatoes, radishes, and shiitake mushrooms are all very good combinations. I once tried white radish, mushrooms, sausage and onion. The taste is also very good. I feel a bit like the radish in the tip of my tongue. What about braised rice, haha;
3. If you like spicy food, you can add some oily chili, and mix well with Laoganma and eat it.


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