Roasted Yuba with White Radish

Roasted Yuba with White Radish

by Akai╮(╯▽╰)╭ing (from WeChat.)

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Green radish contains less calories and more cellulose, which makes it easy to feel full after eating, all of which help to lose weight. Radish can induce the human body to produce interferon, increase the body's immunity, and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and play an important role in preventing and fighting cancer. The mustard oil and essential fiber in radish can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help discharge waste from the body. Regular consumption of radish can lower blood lipids, soften blood vessels, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis and other diseases.


Roasted Yuba with White Radish

1. Wash the radishes without peeling them.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

2. Cut thin strips for later use.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

3. Cut the yuba into strips, cut the coriander into sections, shred the ginger, and slice the cherry tomatoes.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

4. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the pepper and chili and stir fry until fragrant.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

5. Scoop out the pepper and chili, add shredded ginger and stir fragrant.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

6. Stir fry with yuba.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

7. Add white radish and stir-fry in oil to coat well.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

8. Add a little boiled water (1/3 of the height of the dish).

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

9. Add pepper, salt and chicken bouillon to the stewed vegetables, stir and stir well, put coriander on the heat and turn off the heat.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe

10. For the dishes to be served, the sliced cherry tomatoes can be arranged.

Roasted Yuba with White Radish recipe


Don't cut the white radish too finely.


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