Rock Sugar Trotters

Rock Sugar Trotters

by You Ma Food

4.7 (1)







I rarely buy pork knuckles because I don't like to eat pork skins. But my pig brother likes it. Like his family, everyone likes to chew pig's trotter. When I went to the supermarket on Sunday morning, I saw that there were pig trotters, so I bought one. Usually the ones bought in the supermarket will be clean and cut in half, so the portion will not be too much. Since I bought such a large portion of trotters, we must take into account everyone's preferences. For example, Youyou likes braised braised pork, and I can also eat a little bit braised. But in this hot day, who wants to stew braised pork feet? In the kitchen is similar to taking a sauna. Then Yuma, I had a whim, I was lazy and changed to a simple way to make rock candy pig's feet, you can say it is braised in brown sauce, hehe~


Rock Sugar Trotters

1. First scrape the pig's feet to remove the remaining hair, wash it and set aside

2. Boil the water in a pot under cold water, open the lid and simmer for a few minutes after it is boiled to allow the blood to boil

3. After blanching, wash the trotters thoroughly with cold water

Rock Sugar Trotters recipe

4. Chop the pig's trotter into small pieces and put it in the pressure cooker, pour 1 tablespoon of rice wine with rice wine, use the rice wine to stew the pig's trotter, the effect of tonifying blood and qi is particularly good.

5. Add a few slices of ginger, 1 teaspoon of thirteen spices, 2 teaspoons of salt, and cover and cook

6. After SAIC, the fire will be reduced for about half an hour. If you want something chewy or soft, you can adjust the time according to your needs.

Rock Sugar Trotters recipe

7. The trotters are cooked, let’s make the rock syrup for coloring, put a little oil in the wok to heat, and then add 1 tablespoon of rock sugar

8. After the rock sugar is in the pot, stir fry continuously, so as not to paste the pot and wait for the rock sugar to melt and turn brown.

9. As soon as the rock sugar changes color, immediately pour in the pig's knuckles and stir-fry, squeeze the pot a few times, so that each pig's knuckles are coated with sugar and it can be out of the pan.

Rock Sugar Trotters recipe


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