Sajia Mustard Soup

Sajia Mustard Soup

by Happy elf a

4.7 (1)







Mustard greens have a crisp taste, fewer leaves and more stems, with a slight bitter taste. They can be sautéed, boiled in soup, or made into sauerkraut, used to stir-fry pork, fatty intestines, or boiled sauerkraut fish. They are all very appetizing dishes. Isn’t the elves getting angry, so I use it to cook soup, add some beef balls, shajia, meat and vegetables, and cook it in a pot. Not only the elves love to drink it, but even the children who always feel the bitter mustard drink a lot. . Boil this pot of soup, pour a little oil in the oil pan, add the beef balls after fragrant ginger, stir-fry slightly, add water to boil, then add mustard greens and shajia, cook until all the shajia opens, and finally add refined salt and Pepper, delicious and ready. Simple and refreshing soup, if you like, you can try it too!


Sajia Mustard Soup

1. Prepare all kinds of raw materials.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

2. Shajia, add sesame oil in light salt water, soak for 2 hours, spit out the mud and sand, wash and set aside.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

3. Cut beef balls into small pieces, shred ginger, and mince chives.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

4. Wash the mustard greens and chop them for later use.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

5. Heat the wok, pour in the cooking oil, and add the ginger to the scent.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

6. Add the beef balls and stir-fry until the surface is browned.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

7. Pour in an appropriate amount of water, add mustard greens and shajia after the fire is boiled.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

8. Cook for about 3 minutes and add salt to taste.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

9. Sprinkle with pepper to remove fishy smell.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

10. Then cook for about 3 minutes, sprinkle in the chopped green onions.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe

11. Turn off the heat after stirring well, and the deliciousness is ready.

Sajia Mustard Soup recipe


1: Sha Jia, if you want to spit mud and sand quickly, you can use the wizard method: salt and sesame oil.


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