Sakura Sushi

Sakura Sushi

by Yushi Beibei

4.7 (1)







The sushi made by natural dyeing with scented tea water is bright in color, just like a cherry blossom. In addition to rice, it is added with quinoa to make it more nutritious! "


Sakura Sushi

1. Ingredients: 1 standard cup of rice, 1 standard cup of quinoa; Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 1 grilled sausage, 2 seaweed, appropriate amount of large root, 2 eggs, 1 spoon of starch and flour, 1 teaspoon of flower and fruit tea; seasoning : 2 tablespoons of sushi vinegar, half a teaspoon of salt; sushi soy sauce or light soy sauce, and mustard sauce.

Sakura Sushi recipe

2. The quinoa and rice are quickly decanted through the water.

Sakura Sushi recipe

3. Put the quinoa and rice into the rice cooker and add standard water to soak for 15 minutes.

Sakura Sushi recipe

4. Adding half a teaspoon of salt to increase the looseness of the rice will not make the rice too sticky, press the cook button to cook the rice.

Sakura Sushi recipe

5. Cut cucumbers into vertical strips and put them in a container to pickle with salt.

Sakura Sushi recipe

6. Cut the sausage into long strips.

Sakura Sushi recipe

7. Beat the eggs.

Sakura Sushi recipe

8. Stir the flour starch evenly, and mix it with the egg liquid to form a uniform egg batter, add some flour and egg skin to make it more vigorous.

Sakura Sushi recipe

9. Spread very thin cooking oil on the bottom of the pan without dripping. Pour the egg liquid and shake the bottom evenly to cover the bottom of the pan.

Sakura Sushi recipe

10. The egg mixture is solidified and the egg skin is taken out to cool thoroughly.

Sakura Sushi recipe

11. Cooked rice.

Sakura Sushi recipe

12. Add a teaspoon of "Love this Flower" flower nectar (mainly Roselle, dried blueberries, rose petals, etc.) into the teapot, pour boiling water for a few minutes, and then pour out the tea.

Sakura Sushi recipe

13. Sushi vinegar is added to the flower tea water to make the color more vivid.

Sakura Sushi recipe

14. Add the quinoa rice to the tea and soak for 10 minutes.

Sakura Sushi recipe

15. I filtered out the excess water and the rice turned pink.

Sakura Sushi recipe

16. The egg skin is cut off and the corners are made into silk, which can be used as an ingredient for sushi rolls.

Sakura Sushi recipe

17. Spread the egg crust on the sushi curtain and then spread the rice with a spoon.

Sakura Sushi recipe

18. Squeeze salad dressing on the rice and smooth it out.

Sakura Sushi recipe

19. Put cucumber strips, sausage strips, egg strips, and large root strips on the rice.

Sakura Sushi recipe

20. Roll into a roll.

Sakura Sushi recipe

21. Cut the rolls and serve them on a plate. It tastes better with sushi soy sauce and mustard sauce.

Sakura Sushi recipe


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