Salad Jellyfish Head

Salad Jellyfish Head

by y0y0_chen

4.8 (1)








Salad Jellyfish Head

1. Soak in cold boiled water for 8 hours or more, until the salty smell of the jellyfish head is soaked (change the water at least 3 times in the middle)

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe

2. After soaking, you can cut the soaked jellyfish head into small pieces according to personal preference

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe

3. Cold dressing sauce: put (garlic clove diced, millet chili diced, coriander stalk diced, ginger, chili noodles, sesame seeds) in a high-temperature bowl for later use

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe

4. Heat the pan, pour in the raw oil (not too much), boil and put in the pepper (the oil temperature should not be too high, or it will be mushy), sauté, turn off the heat, remove the pepper

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe

5. Pour the hot oil into the ingredients in a small heat-resistant bowl

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe

6. Then add sugar, soy sauce, aged vinegar, oil consumption, sesame oil, five-spice powder (not necessarily according to the amount of curcuma, but can be increased or decreased according to personal taste), and you're done

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe

7. Finally, take a large plate, pour the jellyfish head and sauce, add the coriander, and mix well (you can also add oysters as delicious)
Began to eat!

Salad Jellyfish Head recipe


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