Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem

by Yuxi House

4.8 (1)







Chinese cabbage is rich in nutrients. It is rich in carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, crude fiber, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Each catty of Chinese cabbage contains 1.1 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat and 16 calories. "


Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem

1. Prepare ingredients, sausage, cut into slices; cut large cabbage stalks into strips;

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe

2. Heat the pan, add the tea oil; add the sausage, stir fry, and get the oil;

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe

3. Add cabbage stalks and stir fry;

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe

4. Add an appropriate amount of salt and stir fry;

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe

5. Pour a small spoonful of water and stir fry;

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe

6. Collect the juice, out of the pot~~

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe

7. Finished product~~

Sausage Stir-fried Vegetable Stem recipe


Yu Xi's broken thoughts:
For stir-fried vegetables, the pot must be high temperature, so that the stir-fried vegetables are delicious, crisp but not hard;


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