Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake

Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake

by Blue sky 1751901

4.6 (1)







The strong scent of green onions is my favorite, and the chopped green onion pan is indispensable for normal cooking. Especially fried rice, not to mention pancakes, without the scent of green onion, the appetite is halved. When making pancakes, I like to put green onion leaves, but also put more. Put the green onion leaves in the flour, and add eggs. One green, one white, and one yellow look so appetizing. When I was a kid, I was the least fond of eating onions, ha ha, now I can’t live without it, it’s indispensable!


Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake

1. Prepare the required main ingredients and seasonings, beat the eggs into a small bowl, add a little salt, and chop green onion leaves

Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake recipe

2. Put the chopped green onion leaves into the egg mixture, add an appropriate amount of boiled water and stir well, then add flour and stir until a batter

Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake recipe

3. Heat the pan and put an appropriate amount of edible oil, use a spoon to scoop the batter into the pan and spread it evenly. Fry until the batter is solidified. Turn the pan to heat evenly, turn the spoon over and fry until both sides are golden brown.

Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake recipe

4. The scallion egg breakfast pie is ready, slice it according to personal preference and eat it. The strong scent of onion is my favorite

Scallion Egg Breakfast Cake recipe


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