Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels

by Niu Ma Kitchen

4.6 (1)







This is the third of my 30 bagels plan. This bagel should be considered a healthy version. One is oil-free, and the other is seasonal vegetable juice. The amount of sugar has been reduced a bit. The whole taste is full. Stronger. In the morning, I used milk with a half, and it felt right enough. This is also what my friends said that this bagel is a pasta for weight loss enthusiasts.

The seasonal vegetable juices I use here are: celery, cucumber, apple, bean sprouts, lemon. This is also a fat-relief and digestive drink that I love to drink after a big meal. If you like, you can try it. The bean sprouts can be blanched or not. This does not affect the amount of lemon. You can also use a larger amount of lemon. If you don't have this kind of seasonal vegetable juice at home, you can use the same water to make the noodles.


Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels

1. Ingredients for this bagel: 500g arowana bread flour, 340g fruit and vegetable juice, 5g fine salt, 15g sugar, 4g yeast, appropriate amount of black pepper (freshly ground fragrant)

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

2. Weigh all the ingredients and add them to the chef's bucket.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

3. Knead the dough in the second gear of the cook machine until the dough is smooth, which takes about 20 minutes.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

4. Proof the kneaded dough for a few minutes, then it can be rounded and then flattened and cut.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

5. In this way, 500 grams can be divided into ten or eight servings.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

6. After dividing, round each piece again, and then cover with plastic wrap to wake up for fifteen minutes.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

7. Today I share a new rolling method, which is to start with the flat ball, fold it in half, roll it into a tongue, and then fold it in half. Repeat this three times.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

8. Then seal the dough roll and re-cover it, and let it rise for 20 minutes.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

9. Add water to the pot and boil. Today, we won’t add sugar in the pot, just clean water.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

10. Put each raw embryo into the pot and cook for 15-20 seconds on both sides.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

11. After cooking, place it on a baking tray with baking paper, and then bake it in a preheated air oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe

12. This is a very chewy bagel with a slight fragrance of seasonal vegetables.

Seasonal Vegetable Sauce Bagels recipe


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