Seaweed Open Dumplings

Seaweed Open Dumplings

by Flower fish

4.6 (1)








Seaweed Open Dumplings

1. Ingredients: Mimi dumplings, Kaiyang, seaweed.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe

2. Boil Mimi dumplings and Kaiyang in a pot of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe

3. Next, add an appropriate amount of salt.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe

4. Add the right amount of soy sauce.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe

5. Add appropriate amount of sesame oil.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe

6. Season to mix well.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe

7. Then, put it out of the pot and put it in a large bowl, put the seaweed and serve.

Seaweed Open Dumplings recipe


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