Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil

by Heart moves

4.6 (1)







Regular consumption of Shanghai Green can maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and provide minerals and vitamins needed by the human body. Vitamin B2 is particularly rich, which has the effect of inhibiting ulcers and has a good effect on the maintenance of skin and eyes.
Black fungus contains a lot of plant fiber and collagen. They can absorb a large amount of water in the human intestines and stomach, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and help the human body to expel garbage and toxins in the intestines and stomach, so as to achieve the effects of moistening the intestines and preventing constipation. Excretion and non-staying in the stomach and intestines are also a major way to beautify the skin.
Every winter, my mother-in-law will make tofu a few times and give it to relatives and friends. The rest is used to make smoked tofu, deep-fried bean paste, and moldy tofu. Tofu is also called oily tofu. When it is out of the pot, sprinkle with salt and eat it directly. It is called a fragrant. A few days ago, my mother-in-law brought a lot of soy products, including oily tofu. The deep-fried oily tofu is extraordinarily fragrant. You don’t need to change the meat. Use it with green Shanghai green and refreshing fungus. A refreshing and delicious vegetarian dish, everyone eats very fragrant.


Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil

1. Ingredients preparation

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

2. Wash the fungus with warm water to control the moisture

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

3. Wash the chives and cut the chopped green onions

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

4. Cut the oily tofu in half, peel the garlic seeds, wash and cut into cubes

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

5. Shanghai Green Cleansing and Controlling Dry Moisture

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

6. Raise the frying pan, add garlic seeds and stir fragrant

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

7. Add Shanghai greens and stir well

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

8. Add oily tofu and fungus and stir well

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

9. Pour in a little water, cook for a while, sprinkle in salt and stir well

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

10. Pour in oyster sauce and stir well

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

11. Pour in the light soy sauce and stir well

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe

12. Sprinkle the chopped green onion and it will be out of the pot

Shanghai Green Fungus Braised Tofu with Oil recipe


The oily tofu is easier to taste when it is cut open; it can be cooked for a while, and the vegetables will turn yellow after cooking for a long time, which will affect the appearance.


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