Shredded Chicken

Shredded Chicken

by Cheng's mother 😘

4.8 (1)








Shredded Chicken

1. Three chicken legs, chicken breasts, or whole chickens are fine. Wash it up.

Shredded Chicken recipe

2. Wash ginger, slice it, and spread with chives.

Shredded Chicken recipe

3. Put it on the pot and steam it in water, turn off the heat about 15 minutes after SAIC, and let it stuffy for five minutes.

Shredded Chicken recipe

4. Steamed chicken drumsticks.

Shredded Chicken recipe

5. Prepare a basin of ice water, put the steamed chicken thighs in to soak, the purpose of this is to make the chicken thighs tight and crispy.

Shredded Chicken recipe

6. Fill the bowl with white sesame seeds, chopped rice chili, green onion, and minced garlic.

Shredded Chicken recipe

7. Heat the oil in a pot, pour it into the bowl shown in Figure 6, stir well, and bring out the red oil.

Shredded Chicken recipe

8. Sour ginger.

Shredded Chicken recipe

9. Cut the coriander and green onion, and shred the sour ginger.

Shredded Chicken recipe

10. After the chicken drumsticks are torn, pour the red pepper oil, coriander, peanuts, and sour ginger together, stir well, and add some light soy sauce and vinegar. A simple shredded chicken is ready.

Shredded Chicken recipe


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