Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce

by Xiaoyuan Review

4.6 (1)







Xiaoyuan Review
The shredded pork with Jingjiang sauce is a famous dish of the Han nationality, which belongs to Northeastern cuisine or Beijing cuisine. This dish is moderately salty and sweet, with rich sauce and unique flavor.
Choose pork tenderloin as the main ingredient, supplemented with yellow sauce or sweet noodle sauce and other condiments. When eating, it is supplemented with shredded green onion and tofu skin. The taste is moderately salty and sweet, and the sauce is rich and unique.

Creative Index Beijing Sauce Pork Shreds


Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce

1. Shredded pork (loin) 250g, 6 slices of tofu skin, half a cucumber, 10g half-scallion cooking wine, 40g sweet noodle sauce, 5g ginger, 15g water, 1.5g salt, 5g corn starch

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

2. Pour 1.5g salt, 10g cooking wine, 5g cornstarch

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

3. Grab it with your hands and marinate for 10 minutes

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

4. Shred cucumber and shallots

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

5. Take an empty bowl and pour 40g sweet noodle sauce, 15g water, and mix well

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

6. Boil the bean curd under boiling water, and remove it after boiling

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

7. Fold the bean curd in half and put it on the plate, and put in the cucumber shreds and green onions

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

8. Saute ginger in a frying pan

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

9. After the aroma is out, pour in the marinated shredded pork and cut it with chopsticks

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

10. After the shredded pork changes color, pour in the sweet noodle sauce

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

11. Turn to high heat, stir fry evenly, serve

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe

12. The deliciousness is on the table~!

Shredded Pork in Beijing Sauce recipe


1. The tofu skins bought from outside are best to be blanched in boiling water before eating;
2. Dilute the sweet noodle sauce with water, so as to avoid the pan during frying;
3. Because the shredded pork is marinated with starch, it should be cut quickly with chopsticks after the pan to avoid sticking.


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