Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs

by 0 Zucchini 0

4.6 (1)







Roasted Potato Ribs is a traditional Han nationality dish in Sichuan Province, belonging to Sichuan cuisine. Take ribs and potatoes as the main ingredients. Among them, potatoes are low-calorie, multi-vitamin and trace element foods, and are ideal diet foods.


Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs

1. Pork ribs in a pot under cold water, boil the blood

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

2. Remove the ribs and wash

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

3. Prepare spices (star anise, fennel seed, sanna, grass fruit, bay leaf, cinnamon, dried chili, pepper), sliced ginger and garlic, green onion knot

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

4. Peel and wash potatoes

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

5. Cut hob block

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

6. Heat the oil, put the spices, ginger and garlic slices in the pot and sauté until fragrant, add the bean paste

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

7. Stir fry for aroma, pour the ribs into the pot

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

8. Add the dark soy sauce and stir to evenly color

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

9. Add water to the pot without the ribs

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

10. Add green onion knots and Knorr soup and cook for 15 minutes

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

11. When the time is up, pour the potatoes into the pot, add a little salt, and turn to medium heat.

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe

12. Boil the potatoes until tender

Sichuan Potato Pork Ribs recipe


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