Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle

by sourcehe

4.6 (1)







The smooth and fragrant beef noodles have simple ingredients and can be stored even on snowy days. Beef, noodles, coriander will do. The method is also simple. Cook the noodles, add the thick soup, stir-fry the beef into the thick noodles, distribute the coriander, and a bowl of warm beef noodles. "


Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle

1. Prepare ingredients: Longxu noodles, beef, coriander, ginger and other ingredients;

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe

2. Cut the beef horizontally into thin slices, add salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, etc. to marinate, and set aside; PS: beef horizontally cut will be tender

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe

3. Boil the water, add the dried noodles and cook for five to mature, remove;

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe

4. After the thick soup is boiled, put the noodles in the thick soup pot and cook, and transfer them out of the bowl;

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe

5. Heat the pan, add oil, ginger, and pour the marinated beef;

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe

6. Stir-fry until cooked, add light soy sauce, salt, and start the pan;

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe

7. Put the fried beef on top of the thick soup noodles, sprinkle with coriander, and then;

Smooth and Fragrant Beef Noodle recipe


1. Pour out the water used for the first cooking of noodles, so that the noodles are delicious;
2. The beef must be cut horizontally to ensure that the meat is fresh and tender;
3. The thick soup can be bone soup.


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